Saturday, October 29, 2011

Miscommunication in the Kitchen

Being an American with very limited Spanish in a Nicaraguan kitchen, there is bound to be a certain level of miscommunication.  However, I have become increasingly frustrated with what I have grouped into two basic types of miscommunication.  The first, is the obvious language barrier.  Sometimes, Albert will ask me to do something in rapid Spanish, and I'll just stare at him with a blank face and say no comprendo.  This normally leads to a minute of Spanglish between the two of us until I have somewhat of an understanding of what he wants me to do.  Other times, I will think I know what he wants, and once I do it, I will get an earful of "por que?" (why) or "no quieres apprendar" (you don't want to learn).  Many times this can be as minute of a mistake as grabbing the wrong cutting board.
The second type of miscommunication is essentially personal preference.  Both Avraham and Albert are very adamant about doing things in a very particular order and specific way.  However, I often find they teach me to do things not necessarily because its better but because its the way they do it.  So often Albert will ask me to do something- I will do it the way Avraham has taught me- and Albert says I am doing it wrong.  One similar instance is when I was cutting the string off a beef negamaki after cooking it.  I placed the knife under the string and pulled up.  "No, no no, cortar aqui"(cut here) he says- and demonstrates by by cutting the string downward on the side of the meat.  As I proceed to cut the string the way he showed me, chef Q walks in.  "Adam, you're butchering the beef!"  Cut it like this- he cuts it the exact way I was cutting it before being corrected by Avraham.


  1. Hi Adam, What a fantastic education you are getting -- food, Spanish, Spanglish, and kitchen interactions with superiors. So great to follow you in Nicaragua and to hear and see your food creations. Let me know the date you open up your first restaurant so I can make a reservation!

    All the best,


  2. Thanks so much, glad you are enjoying the blog. Can't wait for the day I get to have you guys in my restaurant!
