Saturday, October 22, 2011

First Impressions: Sushi Q - my new "kitchen family"

I arrived in San Juan Del Sur on Friday, the 26th of August (ya I know I majorly procrastinated this blog), and had arranged to meet chef Q on Saturday at 1:00.  However, San Juan being the small town that it is, I wound up running into him in the street.  He told me to come by that night.  As soon as I stepped into Sushi Q (which is literally a stones toss from the ocean), Chef Quesada greeted me and took me into the kitchen to meet my future coworkers:  First off is the sushi chef, Albert.  Chef Q had "hand-picked" him from a sushi restaurant in a hotel in Managua and from the get-go made it clear that Albert is next in charge after himself.  To make matters more interesting, Albert also had an extra room that he was looking to rent out, so for the next few months until I find my own place I will also be his roommate.  Next is Abraham, who is in charge of the cooked food station (where I will be joining him).  Abraham previously worked at Pelican Eyes resort as a bartender.  Last in the kitchen is Alvaro who helps with some prep and washes dishes.  Chef Q asked me when I would be ready to begin.  We had previously agreed on September 1st (this coming wednesday) but my answer was "whenever you're ready for me".  "How about tomorrow morning at 10:00?"  done.  After introductions, I sat down with my family to have dinner.

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